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Suggest Blockabase Search Keywords for NFT-ing and Claim Rewards

Discover a unique way to earn reward just by suggesting Blockabase search keywords for NFT-ing, which you think are the most relevant search keywords. We may review your suggestions and may NFT those keywords. You may be eligible for a reward when those NFTs are first sold by us.

How BlockaWords Works?
BlockaWords allows its users to suggest Blockbase search keywords, which we may review and if selected we may NFT these keywords and try to sell those keywords to NFT collectors. If and when the NFT corresponding to the suggested keyword is sold, the user who suggested the search keyword may get a reward as a token of appreciation for their suggestion. The NFT owners who have purchases NFTs from us may be rewarded with royalty periodically (if Blockabase decides to distribute/issue royalty to the NFT owner(s)) which may (if Blockabase decides to issue royalty) often depends on the number of searches the specific keywords has received in
Suggest Keywords and Earn Rewards
Do you want to suggest Blockabase search keywords for NFT-ing? Selected and approved keywords may be eligible for a reward when the NFTs are sold by us. Please login to your BlockaWords account now and start suggesting keywords.
Claim your NFTs and Collect Royalty
Do you own a search keyword NFT (Blockabase search keyword NFT) and want to claim your ownership? Please login to your account in BlockaWords and follow the NFT ownership claiming process from the member area. You may claim your NFT (Blockabase search keyword NFT) ownership via BlockaWords and once the claiming process is completed and verified you may be eligible for royalties (if issued/distributed by Blockabase).
Opportunity to Boost Your URLs in Blockabase Search
If you upgraded your account to be an agent user, you may get an extra opportunity to boost your site URLs in BlockaBase search. You may be allowed to suggest a URL to boost, along with submitting keywords.
How to become an Agent User?

Normal users of BlockaWords can upgrade your account to an agent user only by completing the Agent KYC verification. The Agent KYC verification can be done anytime from your account. You have to submit the required document(s) in order to proceed with the Agent KYC verification.

We'll review your application, and may upgrade your account to an agent account, if you are eligible.

KYC Request
How to Claim NFT Ownership and Collect Royalty?

If you already own a keyword NFT (Blockabase Search keyword NFT) sold by us, you can convey your ownership to us using the BlockaWords platform, so that you may be eligible for royalty corresponding to the keyword NFT you own, if royalty is issued/distributed by Blockabase.

  • KYC Your Account
    To claim the ownership of an NFT (Blockabase search keyword NFT), you must first get your account verified. You may login to the member area and complete the KYC process before you can attempt to claim the ownership of the NFT you own.
  • Verify the Claiming Address
    Once your KYC is complete and your account is verified, you can complete the steps indicated in BlockaWords member area to prove your ownership of the specific search keyword NFT (Blockabase search keyword NFT). Upon successful completion of the steps, your ownership of the NFT may be verified.
  • Earn Search Based Royalty
    Once the NFT is verified, you may be eligible to receive royalties (if distributed by Blockabase) in your BlockaWords account, and you may withdraw it conveniently later (often after a cool off period).
Claim a Keyword Ownership
How to Boost Your URLs?

If you are an agent user, you may be allowed to boost your URLs in BlockaBase, if your search keyword suggestions are approved by us. If you are not an agent, you can request to upgrade your account to agent account by submitting KYC. If your account is upgraded to an agent account, you may get an option to suggest an optional URL to boost, while suggesting the keyword(s). If the keyword is approved/selected by us, the corresponding URL you requested for boosting, may be boosted in for the corresponding keyword search in Blockabase, for a few days (days as determined by us, currently 7 days).

Boost Your URLs
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